Wednesday, October 30, 2013

6654 Main Street Wonderland, AK 45202 (513) 555-7856

Easter and Easter Egg | LEXtrém Blog - The official blog BUT Faculty of Law Student Council and the Easter painted the housemaid eggs | Video Blog and web magazine
Life's revival of the ancient fertility symbol of eggs. The role of the Easter diet is great, the painting dates back to ancient ages. The most frequently the housemaid used colors were red, which is due to the color magic power of search and Blood of Christ is attached. Thus, the protective red symbolizes strength. the housemaid The tradition of painting eggs remained the housemaid popular throughout the world as a folk custom in Eastern Europe. Initially, colored with vegetable dyes the eggs. He later received various decorations, which are usually the housemaid written in wax and painted up. The name Easter eggs decorated eggs, and the process itself is called tojáshímzésnek.
There are different egg collecting folk customs, which aims to reach as many eggs the boys. None of these games are known as egg around Kecskemét shock tojáskoccintás. Couple standing together against the eggs összeütögetik getting stronger, and the winner whose remains intact. Another game of handball with the egg. It was held that one who drops the eggs thrown at him, unable to find even one year in the pair.
The Easter egg collection on Monday due when the guys take off and sprinkle a little hard hímesért. It is customary for the cleansing power of water searched, some Biblical origin is attributed to the resurrection as told women water carriers lelocsolva tried to calm the soldiers. Nowadays, fewer and fewer people pay homage to the convention, but there are areas where the girls get a bucket of well water. The women of locsolódókat the housemaid they host the traditional Easter dishes like ham, eggs, cakes, in some places at the table is yellow curd decoration is a vase of catkins. Those girls who the boys painted eggs are not expected to be there for chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies and little money, many great delight.
This year's unusually snowy Easter came in at the wrong time would present a less desirable girls in a bucket of water, but in spite of the bad weather we hope to have many people living in the respect of tradition and welcome to irrigate the ladies painted for eggs.
Where palóc traditions alive, sprinkling, arts and crafts fairs. Two days of Easter in the village young and old ornate folk costumes killed himself, and revive the old Easter the housemaid customs, dancers and storytellers to entertain the ellátogatókat.
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6654 Main Street Wonderland, AK 45202 (513) 555-7856

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